At Traana we are a diverse set of individuals coming from all over India! Since most of us are staying away from our homes, Traana is like a second family.
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Deepak Kumar Chandrasekaran , Director & CEO
BE(Electronics)@ NIT Trichy, ME(Comp. Sc.) @ IISc Bangalore, PG
Dip in Mgmt @ IIM Bangalore – all with Distinction/Honors
DRDO (Govt. of India Min. of Defence), Philips, SanDisk
- Topper of No.4 Electronics Fellowship Course, IAT, DRDO
- Republic Day Awards - LRDE, DRDO Global Marketing Award - Philips
- Multiple successful consumer electronic product introductions into the market
- Pioneer in development of Airborne Radar Signal Processing in India : LCA-Multi Mode Radar & Airborne Surveillance Platform
- Part of four different Radar development programmes
- Co-ordinated technical dev. across France, Germany, NL, UK, USA, Belgium, China, India simultaneously

Traana celebrates its Diversity in everyway! Monotony is boring!
“We are a diverse set of individuals coming from all over India! For the most of us, staying away from our homes, Traana is like a second family. It is and will always represent much beyond work for each of us!”…well, some of us feel so… However, you don’t have to feel compelled to feel and emulate family vibes ;)…we appreciate your professionalism, a fair and constructive competitive streak…Traana is an equal opportunity employer and at Traana we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all the team members...

It is and will always represent much beyond work for each of us! As much as we are the pioneers in our field of work, we also love to party.
“As much as we are the pioneers in our field of work, we also love to party. We are always waiting to celebrate each other’s success to give ourselves an opportunity to go on an outing. We all have one thing in common; we love going on trips and we all hate Bangalore traffic!”
Courageous to be Creative?… make some mistakes of your own…have the Honesty & Integrity to own them up…though learn from them…and those of the others? Just “Click!” down there…Drop us a note and tell us about you…max two A4 pages please…we would prefer just one though…
If we click…then @ Traana be ready to become a jack of several trades and master of at least one!