Image processing Systems
Traana has done significant work in the domain of Image
Processing for Defence Applications; both FPGA based
sophisticated hardware and as well as Software based
Our team has been involved in design and development of
advanced image processing applications and algorithms, based
on Realtime stand-alone FPGA based embedded systems, for
Image Acquisition, Image Compression, Storage and Retrieval,
Target Detection and Classification (i.e., Segmentation,
Representation, Description and Classification). In addition, we
have developed CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture)
based Image Enhancement and Dehazing Algorithms. The
systems and algorithms thus designed work over standard
interfaces such as Camlink.

Image processing Systems
Traana has done significant work in the domain of Image
Processing for Defence Applications; both FPGA based
sophisticated hardware and as well as Software based
Our team has been involved in design and development of
advanced image processing applications and algorithms, based
on Realtime stand-alone FPGA based embedded systems, for
Image Acquisition, Image Compression, Storage and Retrieval,
Target Detection and Classification (i.e., Segmentation,
Representation, Description and Classification). In addition, we
have developed CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture)
based Image Enhancement and Dehazing Algorithms. The
systems and algorithms thus designed work over standard
interfaces such as Camlink.
Digital Signal Processing
Through the advent of signal processing technology a lot of hardware processing has switched over to software, once complicated filters are being easily implemented.
Through our projects we have gained expertise in signal processing domain while implementing algorithms such as Pulse compression, Moving Target Indicator, Constant False Alarm Rate that are the basis of Radar functionality. Through projects like (IRDE Project name insert) we have worked on Image processing algorithm development.
Embedded Systems
Embedded systems is the whole package of Hardware, Software and their Interfacing capable of doing a particular task.

Radar Systems
Traana has several firsts to its credit in the domain of Radar Systems in India. Traana was founded by Deepak K. Chandrasekaran. Deepak’s association with Radar Systems dates to design and development of the Indian Doppler Radar (INDRA). INDRA was a landmark project for India as it was the first ever large radar system designed and developed in India. Traana is the first privately owned company in India to have designed and developed a fully indigenous Short-range Radar Surveillance System which has since been duly deployed on India borders. Traana is the first private enterprise in India to have published and presented a Research Paper in an International Radar Symposium. Collectively, we have more than 100-man years of experience in design and development of Radar Systems. Our primary expertise is in Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Detection & Tracking Algorithms, Radar data Processing (RDP), Radar Displays and Command Interfaces. We have also done significant work in Radar Environment and Target Simulation Systems. The expertise Traana has gained in Radar Systems and Technology may be further used to expand to Electronic Warfare
Radars are the system that detect and track objects. It is a complex system that has various subsystems such as a radar controller, signal processing chain, display unit, transmitter and receiver, synchronisation system, etc.
(We are the first private company to develop a fully indegenious radar or we pride ourselves to be the first company to develop a fully indegenious radar.) We have extensive experience in the various subsystems through our projects such as AESA, PSRS, GPRS. Since radars require real time processing we have expertise in RTOS such as VxWorks and Linux. Tools such as Codeblocks, Matlab help in development and testing.